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parsec labs discovery tool

Parsec Labs Launches Free Discovery Tool For All Businesses Ready to Declare Data Independence

Minneapolis, MN –  Originally designed for massive enterprises but now accessible to everybody as of October 15th, 2022, is Parsec Lab’s Free Discovery Tool. The tool is the first tier of products for the innovative new company.

The Free Discovery Tool can scan tens of thousands of files per second and build a detailed report on the total number of files, total number of directories, number of files in directories, average file size—and more usefully, the median file size, as well as the total size of all mounts in a network filer. This tool will export reports in json, xml, csv, and html.

“We built this product to handle the world's largest data centers,” said Mark Clark, Parsec Labs CEO. “Now, we want to offer that same scale and peace of mind to the rest of the world. Why don't we price based on the amount of data like everyone else? Because that model will eat you alive with unexpected expenses, and then we will have to become a billing company instead of a software company. Our data protection and data mover pricing are based on the number of concurrent workers. Each worker performs a "job," and that job performs an action on your network mounts/shares/buckets.”

Other license packs offered by Parsec Labs include Fail-Safe Data Protection™ (S3 mobility + full restore for enterprise filers), S3 Mobility (includes file to cloud, cloud to file, cloud to cloud replication, and validated migrations to S3), Enterprise Data Mobility (includes validated migration, fast copy, replication, and third party data verification), Parsec Complete (total data independence), and Insight to Data (Consolidated view of one or more filers. Total data, age of data, type of data).

“Parsec is designed exclusively to assist customers who want to protect and mobilize data stored on network storage devices (NFS/SMB/S3),” added Clark. “We also provide fast off-line block transfers (iSCSi, NVME-TCP). Fiber channel is only available in our hardware appliances.”

License packs are delivered to virtual or physical appliances. Download from their newly launched website, set the network connections, and use their Discovery Tool for free. When you are ready to buy, just register and license your appliance. For more information, please Contact Parsec Labs online for purchase orders and special pricing requests.

About Parsec Labs

Parsec provides its customers with unprecedented knowledge and control over their own data, with vendor agnostic capabilities that span all on-premise storage platforms and cloud/multi-cloud providers. Used in some of the industry's largest data centers, Parsec offers unparalleled scale combined with the ease of use necessary to be the ideal solution for any size company. For more information, visit

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Refreshing Solutions,

Jolene Rheault

(720) 313-6648

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